A photo of a spanish-type apartment building

6 Steps of the Collective Freehold Purchase Process

A collective freehold purchase, also known as collective enfranchisement, is a process where leaseholders within a building collectively acquire the freehold, gaining increased control over the management and maintenance of their property.

This process is governed by specific legislation and involves several steps which must be carefully adhered to. Understanding this process is crucial as it empowers leaseholders, providing them with the opportunity to eliminate ground rent and extend leases, which can enhance the value of their property.

But what are the specific steps involved in a collective freehold purchase? In this guide, we’ll break down the process into 6 clear and concise steps to help you navigate through it successfully.

Understanding Collective Freehold Purchase

A collective freehold purchase, essentially, refers to the legal process where leaseholders in a single building come together to each purchase a share of the freehold. This collective action grants them overall ownership of the building and the land it stands on.

The advantages of such a process are numerous. Firstly, it allows leaseholders to govern the management and maintenance of the building without external intervention. Secondly, it eliminates the obligation to pay ground rent, a fee often seen as an unnecessary expense. Moreover, freehold purchase can significantly increase the value of individual properties, making them more attractive to potential buyers.

However, the process is not without its challenges. It necessitates leaseholders to manage the administrative and financial aspects which can be complex and time-consuming. Additionally, gaining consensus among all leaseholders in a building and arranging suitable financing may not always be straightforward. 

Despite these challenges, with the right support and advice, collective freehold purchase can be a rewarding and beneficial endeavour. Contact our experts today to get the process started.

6 Steps of the Collective Freehold Purchase Process

To collectively purchase your freehold, there are some necessary steps that must be followed. Each step requires careful consideration and attention to detail, as even minor errors can delay the process or result in increased freehold purchase costs. Here are the six essential steps involved in a collective freehold purchase:

Step One: Eligibility For Collective Enfranchisement

Leaseholder Qualification

  • Your lease must have been originally granted for at least 21 years
  • You must not own more than two flats in the building

Building Qualification

  • The building must be self-contained, or must be a self-contained part of a building, with vertical division and services that are easily made independent.
  • There must be at least two flats in the building
  • At least two-thirds of the units in the building must be held by qualifying leaseholders
  • No more than 25% of the floor area, excluding the common parts, can be in commercial or other non-residential use.
  • At least half of the units must participate in the project, and those participants must be qualifying leaseholders

Full Eligibility Criteria at Lease Advice

To take part in a collective freehold purchase, leaseholders must meet certain eligibility criteria. According to the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993, at least two-thirds of the flats in the building must be owned by qualifying leaseholders.

A qualifying leaseholder typically refers to a tenant with a long lease, generally regarded as a lease that was originally granted for a term exceeding 21 years. Furthermore, at least half of the flats in the building need to participate in the enfranchisement, and they must be qualifying leaseholders.

Make sure to read through the full official criteria to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements or chat to one of our experts before proceeding with the process.

Step Two: Preparing to Buy the Freehold

Once eligibility has been established, the next step involves recruiting participants for the collective freehold purchase. This stage can be challenging as it necessitates gaining consensus among all leaseholders within the building. It is advisable to hold meetings to allow leaseholders to ask questions and discuss any concerns before making a decision.

Understanding the Valuation of the Freehold

A vital step in the enfranchisement process is understanding the valuation of the freehold. This involves estimating the value of the freehold interest in the building, which will be the basis for the purchase price. A professional surveyor experienced in leasehold enfranchisement valuations should be employed to ensure an accurate and fair valuation. This could be affected by the Leasehold Reform Act, but as of yet there is no consensus on exactly how.

Legal Feasibility

Determining the legal feasibility of a collective freehold purchase is a crucial step in the process. This involves understanding the regulations governing the purchase, including the potential impact of the forthcoming Leasehold Reform Act, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. It is highly recommended to seek legal advice from a solicitor experienced in leasehold enfranchisement.

The Participation Agreement

The participation agreement is a formal, legally binding document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each participating leaseholder in the collective freehold purchase. It should be carefully drafted to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of their obligations and the process to follow, and to prevent any future disputes.

Step Three: Serving Notice

After the signing of the Participation Agreement, the next pivotal step in the process is to secure the authority to serve the initial Notice of Claim. This necessitates having the agreement of the required majority of qualifying leaseholders, as stipulated in the.

It’s a critical legal step that enables the leaseholders to officially start the enfranchisement process. Legal advice should be sought to ensure this step is carried out correctly and all necessary obligations are met.

Once the authority to serve has been secured, leaseholders can proceed to serve the Notice of Claim. This legal document, also known as the Section 13 Notice, is served to the freeholder and formally expresses the leaseholders’ intent to purchase the freehold.

The Notice must include certain statutory information such as details of the property, the proposed purchase price, and the names and details of all participating leaseholders. Any errors or omissions in the Notice could lead to it being deemed invalid, so it’s essential to have it carefully prepared and checked by a legal professional.

Step Four: Negotiation Strategies (Price & Terms)

Successful negotiation is a vital part of the collective freehold purchase process. This will determine the terms of the agreement, primarily the purchase price. You can use a freehold purchase cost calculator to get an estimate of the premium payable for your freehold ahead of the process. 

Some negotiation tactics for this stage in the collective freehold process include:

  • Preparation and Research: Understanding the freehold’s value and the financial capability of the collective leaseholders is crucial. Thorough research about the housing market, bench-marking similar purchases, and legal regulations can provide valuable insights.
  • Professional Assistance: Engaging legal advisors, freehold purchase professionals, and surveyors can add significant value during the negotiation. These professionals can provide advice on the valuation, ensure compliance with legislation, and assist in effectively communicating the collective’s position.
  • Clarity and Transparency: Clear, honest communication is an essential negotiation strategy. Providing concise reasons for your terms and being transparent about your limitations can foster a cooperative negotiation environment.
  • Flexibility: Being flexible and open to alternative solutions can often lead to more successful outcomes. While it’s important to have clear goals, being able to adapt and compromise is a beneficial strategy in a negotiation.
  • Patience and Persistence: Negotiations might be time-consuming and challenging. Maintaining patience and persistence is crucial to achieving desired outcomes. Remember, rushing through the negotiation process can lead to unfavourable terms.

Adopting these strategies can help ensure a successful negotiation process, leading to a fair and equitable purchase agreement.

Step Five: Completion

Upon agreeing to the stage price and terms during the negotiation stage, the completion stage begins. This phase involves finalising the legal documentation, signing the contracts, and transferring the agreed upon funds.

  1. Finalising Documentation: Legal documents, including the Transfer Deed (the legal document that transfers the ownership of the freehold), are meticulously reviewed and prepared for signing. The freeholder must sign these documents for the transaction to be legal and binding.
  2. Transferring Funds: The purchase price, agreed upon during the negotiation stage, is transferred to the freeholder. This is typically done through a solicitor’s client account for security and accountability.
  3. Registering the Change of Ownership: Following the completion of the purchase, the change of ownership must be registered with the Land Registry. This step is crucial as it officiates the leaseholders as the new freeholders in the public record.

Step Six: Post Completion

Once the purchase is complete, there are several post-completion procedures to be undertaken.

  • Company Management: If the leaseholders formed a company for the purpose of the purchase, they now need to manage this company. This involves responsibilities such as annual filings, keeping company records, and managing the building and its finances.
  • Building Management: The participants are now collectively responsible for the management and maintenance of the building, such as organising repairs, insurance, and dealing with lease extensions or sales.
  • Continued Legal Compliance: As new freeholders, leaseholders that participate must ensure they continue to comply with all relevant legislation and regulations related to freehold ownership.

These post-completion procedures ensure that the transition from leaseholders to freeholders is smooth and that the collective freehold ownership is managed effectively and legally.

What else do I need to know about collectively purchasing my freehold?

Professional guidance from freehold experts, surveyors, and financial advisors can be instrumental in navigating through the complex process and legal aspects of the collective freehold purchase.

Additionally, effective communication and collaboration among all participating leaseholders are paramount in ensuring a smooth process and in resolving any disputes or disagreements that may arise. It is also important to budget for these unexpected problems or costs that may arise during the process, such as additional legal fees or survey costs.

On top of this, thorough due diligence is crucial to understand the true value and liabilities associated with the freehold. This includes understanding the condition of the building and any potential future expenses for repairs and maintenance.

Having a clear decision-making structure within the group of leaseholders can streamline the process and ensure that all voices are heard and considered. Collective freehold ownership involves ongoing responsibilities such as building management, meeting regulatory requirements, and managing finances. Ensure that all participants are prepared for this long-term commitment.

By taking these factors into consideration and implementing the tips found in this guide, leaseholders can ensure a successful and efficient collective freehold purchase process.


While we hope you now have a better understanding of the collective freehold purchase process, it’s important to remember that patience and diligence are two key virtues in the process of collectively purchasing a freehold. 

If you require more information or assistance in your collective freehold purchase process, do not hesitate to reach out. Our team of experienced professionals is available to provide guidance and support tailored to your unique situation, taking you all the way from eligibility to post-completion.

We can help you understand and navigate the complex aspects of the collective freehold purchase process, and are committed to helping you achieve your freehold ownership goals in the most efficient and stress-free manner possible.

Contact us today to get started, or use our online freehold cost calculator today to assess the potential premium cost of your collective freehold purchase!

Collective Freehold Purchase Process FAQs

Can a business or commercial lease participate in a collective freehold purchase?

It’s important to note that the principle of collective enfranchisement and qualifying tenants primarily applies to residential leases. Business or commercial leases typically have different regulations and might not be eligible for a collective freehold purchase. Only 25% of the floor area of a building can be used for commercial purposes if flat owners want to buy their freehold. However through careful management, a business or commercial lease can take part in a freehold purchase project where beneficial.

What role does the county court play in a collective freehold purchase?

In cases where the freeholder disputes the claim for a collective freehold purchase, the matter may be taken to a county court or a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal. These bodies aim to resolve disagreements between leaseholders and freeholders and can make legally binding decisions.

What if our building has more than two flats?

Your building needs at least two flats to qualify for collective enfranchisement and buy the freehold, provided that at least two-thirds of the flats are owned by qualifying leaseholders. It’s important to note that each flat should be held on a long lease.

How does the process differ if our building has four or fewer flats?

In buildings with four or fewer flats, the same principles of collective freehold purchase apply. However, there might be more straightforward decision-making due to the smaller number of leaseholders involved. An advisor can guide you through the specific rules applicable to your situation.